Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sleeping Triumph!

Since we brought Brynna home from the hospital we have been putting her in her bassinet at night to sleep. She never really slept well and I thought it was just her being a new baby which I am sure some of it was. I knew she liked to be bundled so we always made sure to swaddle her but she would like it when we put her in there and then the next time she woke up would immediately kick it off of her, no matter how many times we re-did it.
I didn't want to try the swing because I thought I should find a way to make her sleep in the bassinet, but 4 weeks of barely any sleep will make you try anything! Last night when she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep I finally brought the swing in the bedroom and wow! She slept for 2 1/2 hours the first time and woke up to eat, and then 3 1/2 hours the next time. I never thought I would think that was a lot of sleep, but you would have thought I won the lottery. I was so happy with how much she slept and so energized today. I seriously spent all day today cleaning every nook and cranny of my house. People who have been here would not recognize some of it right now. You can now actually walk in to my walk in closet!!!
So here is to hoping the magic of the swing works 2 nights in a row!!


Jon and Cheryl said...

I love swings. I'm glad you are able to get more sleep. It really makes all the difference!

denos5 said...

Swings ROCK!! I used to feel like a bad mom because I would put them in there so much, but hey, whatever works.